Hi ,thanks for the reply , i have PC4000 at the moment and i would like to run at higher htt but my ram craps out at 250 , my board will go 300 plus so i was looking for something that could run 1:1 at high speedcharltonfan1 said:If you mean PC4800 ram then there are no 2GB kits available. There were only a handful of 1GB kits made at that speed.
The fastest 2GB DDR kit on sale is PC4000 atm
andyr said:Hi ,thanks for the reply , i have PC4000 at the moment and i would like to run at higher htt but my ram craps out at 250 , my board will go 300 plus so i was looking for something that could run 1:1 at high speed
charltonfan1 said:It wont make any noticeable difference on a divider. If you really want 2GB that does 300HTT then look for some second hand beautys
andyr said:thanks again for the reply , any suggestions
king144 said:if i were buyin now id look at the munchkin redline which will also v.likely get clse to 300.
nightic said:If you buy some Redline expecting 300MHz, I'm afraid you're going to be sorely disappointed.
Best bet for 270-280Mhz would be decent Samsung UCCC-based sticks (i.e GSkill HZ) though you're probably going to have to run v. loose 3-4-4 timings.
For up to 270ish, then it's all about the better Infineon-based kits (OCZ PC4000EB/Mushkin Redline/Team Xtreem Cronus IA) which will allow the running of much tighter 3-3-2 timings.
Bear in mind that even 250Mhz at 3-3-2 is (technical term alert) 'peeing all over' 280MHz 3-4-4 in most (all?) real world tests (especially gaming/3D benching).
andyr said:Yeah i have 2 gig of redline 3-3-8-2 and 1 gig of tccd 2-2-5-2 and to be honest im running the tccd on a divider in preference to the mushkin , coz even though only 2 x512 my board performs better with the tight timings , so what do recon about 4 x 512 tccd , do you think the timings will suffer much