What's the best I.T. course/ qualification to get into full time IT employment.

15 Oct 2016
Hi All,

I've recently looked into this and a 3 year full time Uni course isn't really viable a la BSC course - http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/2018/applied-software-engineering-bsc

Have you got any suggestions as to the best way to go about this to get into an IT job.

Will be classed as a complete Noob.

Have seen courses advertising 16-48 week to completion and into employment but I'm well wary of 'too-good-to-be-true,' just want your money enterprises.

I would say, from experience, the course matters less than how you come across as a person, so any IT related course will be fine. Just make sure you're covering stuff that interests you - it's really hard to stay motivated in a course you're not enjoying.

Depends also what you mean by IT industry. Programming? Electrical engineering?

Programming/ coding - anything really.

What sort of age are you and experience do you have? Are you currently working in a different industry, or a student or..?? Need some more background :)

48, mechanical engineering background 30years experience, looking for a change of career really so any course where it would be viable to start work straight after completion.

I've had a LTD. co. for the last few years, going from place to place contracting and would like to start contracting in the IT business if possible.

What qualifications would potential employers be looking for?

Hope this helps.

Edit: afk
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