Whats the best sat nav software for mobiles ?

11 Oct 2005
Hi, Just got Tom tom mobile onto my Nokia N70 and I am very impressed with the accuracy, detail etc.

But just wondering is Tom Tom mobile the best for mobiles (nokia N70 anyhow) or is this route 66 much better ? or are there any others i should look at. ?

Thank you
Magic_x_uk said:
Hi, Just got Tom tom mobile onto my Nokia N70 and I am very impressed with the accuracy, detail etc.

But just wondering is Tom Tom mobile the best for mobiles (nokia N70 anyhow) or is this route 66 much better ? or are there any others i should look at. ?

Thank you

TomTom is generally the best i'm afraid :) It's not perfect but it's a damnsite better than the alternatives.

rG-tom said:
TomTom is generally the best i'm afraid :) It's not perfect but it's a damnsite better than the alternatives.


Thanks, just wanted to ask/be sure. So far, im impressed with it, even down to the one way streets. Speed cameras alerts im very impressed with.
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