I played around with C-Sharp a month or two ago but lost motivation due to it just becoming impossibly complex after a while and I found myself writing many lines of unnecessary code to achieve something simple. I'm not interested in working in IT but just playing around with XNA and modifying other people's code to achieve something different is what I'm after.
How do I go about learning proper programming and proper techniques on a hobbyist level? How did YOU learn your skills? Any good books or good tutorials?
I did Google and found a boatload but the age old problem persist, the author usually assume too much and lose me very quickly.
I have LOADS of time on my hands and wanna do this properly this time round.
How do I go about learning proper programming and proper techniques on a hobbyist level? How did YOU learn your skills? Any good books or good tutorials?
I did Google and found a boatload but the age old problem persist, the author usually assume too much and lose me very quickly.
I have LOADS of time on my hands and wanna do this properly this time round.