What's the best way to move my user folder?

11 Oct 2004
I've just bought a Drobo and I'd like to move my C:\User\<name> folder to it.

What's the best way to move the entire folder without upsetting iTunes, etc.? I know that it's possible to faff about with the individual picture/music/video folders but what about the entire directory?

Is it easy to do for ALL users? Googling it seems to suggest that it's pretty tricky.

This is under Vista, BTW.
Have a look here http://windowsxp.mvps.org/userpath.htm

Is for XP but the principle is the same. Word of warning don't move All Users, Default User and your Admin user. Reason for not moving these accounts is that if the Drobo isn't available for some reason if those profiles have been moved then you won't be able to logon.
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