Whats the catch - Acer AL2016Ws?

1 analogue input stands out, don't know what the backlight is like either (may've missed feedback on this screen, have a peruse). Looks like the S-IPS Philips panel to me, same as the Dell 2005FPW and many other 20" widescreens.
the reason for the low price is:

- It's based on a TN Film panel, 8ms rated from Chunghwa Picture Tube (CPT)
- Build quality is not as good as some higher range models
- Acer have been known to make "budget" range models over the years mostly
Baddass said:
the reason for the low price is:

- It's based on a TN Film panel, 8ms rated from Chunghwa Picture Tube (CPT)
- Build quality is not as good as some higher range models
- Acer have been known to make "budget" range models over the years mostly

So basically its no good for gaming and movies?
speeduk said:
So basically its no good for gaming and movies?

gaming, yes. movies will not be as suited due to the poor viewing angles mostly, plus some noticable noise when compared with other technology panels
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