What's the Fascination with Ten Key Less?

28 Feb 2012
London, UK
I see so many people complain when there aren't ten key less models of keyboards etc. Literally a war goes on when it happens.

Whats so special about them? Isnt it best to have the numpad etc. incase you do need it? I find entering numbers much faster on the numpad.
It feels more natural to have your mouse hand closer to your keyboard, whilst gaming for example.

Plus I do number entry at work, not at home...
Well the natural feeling is subjective. I actually use the num pad even if I have to enter just 4 numbers.
Is this "natural" feeling the only reason why?
It feels more natural to have your mouse hand closer to your keyboard, whilst gaming for example.

Are you a Borrower? :D

I looked at a different forum and the diagrams they drew of how TKLs are better are absolutely hilarious! Shows you being double jointed all over your right arm if you use a full keyboard.
I don't enter numbers into a spreadsheet, therefore I don't need a number pad. Weird symbols are found on the character map.

Even with my long arms I find it much better to have the short keyboard close to the mouse, and TKL's look better too.
I tried both for long sessions of games, ten key less is better for me, it meant elbows could rest on arms of chair more comfortably than with the longer keyboards.
My desk is about 2m in depth so my arms have plenty of space to rest. Guess I can stick with full sizes!
Arm chair goes just below my desk anyway.
I think it really depends on what you're used to. Personally I use numpad all the time not having it would be a big deal.

If you don't use it then it makes far more sense to save on space and money though.
TK is too big. Why have a section of the keyboard that has duplicates of keys you already have within striking distance of the home row? They are for data entry types (see secretary)

TKL is still too big. Covered with keys that have been rendered redundant over time (Pause/Break? Scroll Lock? Come on) I guess the F keys and dedicated arrow keys are useful in some games.

60% is the place to be. No wasted space. Every key you need and nothing more all available from the home row.

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