Whats The Largest Thing?

11 Jul 2009
Just wondering whats the largest thing you've had to carry on your motorcycle?


Mines been a rear 190 section tyre and a boxed 22" monitor i carried on the tank:p

Whats your's:confused:(girlfriend's and wifes dont count:D)
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I have carried a lawnmower engine on a Honda Melody lol also mate carried a TV Areal and pole on the back once.

Also friend on the back carried a gsxr 750 swing arm and petrol tank with out holding on and I squirted to 98 on a vf500 and when I stopped he wanted to punch my head in :D
While riding in the far east I had to get a full 30 litre clean drinking water bottle on the bike with me, the physical size was not the biggest issue but the weight and awkwardness of a rounded barrel was tricky!
A single bed mattress on a Suzuki AP50 moped, i kid you not, it was an "experience" to say the least. :p
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