What's the law regarding taking photos in a place frequented by the public including children etc

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
I'm at an event in Trentham Gardens and was just about to leave prior to that event starting and I have just been harrassed by security because somebody has reported me pointing a camera lens in the direction of a playground. Some of the grounds workers are slso telling me I'm not allowed to sell any photos of the event, Spice Girls tribute band, when all I am doing is taking photos of fans prior to the tribute band commencing. That is to say I wouldnt be taking any photos of the band anyway.
You get lots of colourful characters dressing up for these events that make for great photos which is the only reason I attend. I have to be out prior to 7:30 because I only have an annual ticket to cover me up to this time on band nights.
I will be contacting the head of Estates on Monday because I am a regular visitor to this place along with hundreds of other photographers.
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Thanks for that Andy. I would imagine "unauthorised audio, video or photographic recordings" would apply to recordings and pictures of the band which started at 7:30 and I was making my way out at 6:45. The bands also perform next to the playground so there's a chance photographing the audience could catch some unintended victims "in the cross-fire" .Strictly speaking I still hadn't broken any laws and "special event days" is a bit vague as I've witnessed loads of people and photographers photographing vehicles at car rallys etc.

It's really annoying though when one dimwit of a security guard appears to have a senior moment trying to recollect if he could recall any Peodophile photographers with the same name as mine whilst right behind him there was a 79 year old man running about the place in a nappy with a huge dummy in his mouth that nobody seemed to care about?
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