What's the longest/furthest trip you've taken?

5 Nov 2010
What's the longest/furthest trip you've taken on 2 wheels?

Reason I ask is that my friends are thinking of going to the Isle of Lewis in the summer...and my mate with a GS said we should go on bike!

Sound brilliant but although my bike GSX650F is comfortable and a great all-rounder, it's no GS. We're talking 600+ miles to get there. Not sure my bum will last that long!
I've done nearly 400 miles one weekend around wales on my ZX6R easy! And you complain about your GSX650F!

Not complaining yet :D but It's over 600 miles just to get there. Will be about 1500 in total over a weekend lol.

My butt aches after about 90mins, that's all I know for the GSXF at the moment. Will be stopping 3 times at least, will walk around and try not to sit down at the services :p
Do you mean in a day or in a trip? I've done a few 2-3000 mile trips over a week or so. Longest single day was about 550 miles on a Blackbird, but I've spent longer in the saddle on twister slower routes on the GS - about 14 hours was the longest I think.

In a day, 1 journey really with little bum rest.

The meet in April will be the longest so far, but nowhere near this trip in the summer. So i will be able to see what it's like for longer journeys.
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