Havn't played any games in a couple of weeks (not actually sure how long its been) and have been suffering withdrawal symptoms for about a week now. Which got me thinking, what is the longest I have ever gone without playing computer games.
I've been playing since I was 4 and have played games more or less daily since (if anyone mentions my skill level I will... um ... do nothing ) Up until the last few weeks.
I may have had the odd week off during camping holidays and festivals but thats about it. I cant remember ever going more than 2 weeks without gaming before.
Edit: I must have gone a few weeks without gaming before the GameGear came out (first hand held) when I went on family holidays.
I've been playing since I was 4 and have played games more or less daily since (if anyone mentions my skill level I will... um ... do nothing ) Up until the last few weeks.
I may have had the odd week off during camping holidays and festivals but thats about it. I cant remember ever going more than 2 weeks without gaming before.
Edit: I must have gone a few weeks without gaming before the GameGear came out (first hand held) when I went on family holidays.