What's the most sensible way to go about things?

12 Dec 2002
I'm literally about to book my DAS tests but, my parents are having kittens (im 25 next month) my mum is flat out frightened of bikes and my dad rode bikes for years and used to do speedway (something my 12yr old brother is now starting) and is 110% certain I will end up dead riding on the road.

Obviously I'm old enough to make my own decisions which I have and don't live with either of my parents, but I want to try an limit my chances of death/severe injury. I know it's the others on the road which are the main danger (my job means I spend lots of time driving in and around London so I have seen many a retard) but what kind of further training is there and what do you guys think of trackdays for a novice rider? Also I was thinking of getting an SV650 as my first bike but am in 2 minds if I should start on a smaller bike but at 100kg I'm not light!

As for safety gear I have a Shoei xr1100, force field sub 4 back protector, my dads unused Oxtar TCS CE boots (OMG the squeaks), then an alpinestars textile armourd jacket, textile armoured trousers and finally Alpinestars SP2 gloves. I want to get a 1pc suit but need to save up and find one that fits... 36" waist 29" inside leg and 5' 9" I'm built like a sofa on casters.... :D
Thanks for the advice :)

I have quite a fear of giving it too much then getting well out of my depth, but I know what you mean it's tempting to use what's a available :)

Edit: just seen the other post. Tbh I'm fairly cautious and I drive about 25-30k a year for my job most of it in London so have a fair bit of road experience but never anything on a bike. I do drive like a bell sometimes on B roads in my car but I prefer trackdays for hooning. As for the 1 piece, I was thinking more of the riding up when sliding as the textile stuff I have only has a zip at the back for the jacket/trousers, not good for sliding on your side?
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Thanks, just been reading up on the 'triangle of death' not something I had though about but makes lots of sense :)

Point No 10... There are bad enough when I'm driving my works van which is big and silver, I can only imagine how oblivious to a bike they could be...

I was speaking to my dad last night and he is insistent that I do my CBT and get a 125 for a few months to get "used" to riding and to get some experience, citing things like: if I lowside on a manhole I have less chance of breaking a leg and I don't have enough power to get spat off getting overconfident with the throttle. He still does not want me to get one but he is saying dont run before I can walk. Tbh picking up a cheap 125 for a couple of months does not sound too bad IMO but at 100+KG I will not be going anywhere fast, a good thing.
DAS it is then :)

I came so close to booking a couple of months ago but my GF ended up in hospital and put it off which led to my dad going to work on me about danger.
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