Whats the Track?

12 Jun 2005
Hi there,

Was watching the film "Life" yesterday on ITV2 - Its on again tonight same channel.

Whats the name of the intro track - and who is it sung by.

I think its called "25 To Life" but every version I find has a different person singing it.

Conrad11 said:
Hi there,

Was watching the film "Life" yesterday on ITV2 - Its on again tonight same channel.

Whats the name of the intro track - and who is it sung by.

I think its called "25 To Life" but every version I find has a different person singing it.


Is it rap? The only thing i know with 25 to life in it is to do with T.I and PSC.
Its rap yeah, but its not sung by TI/Pain

Its not "Life" as I have that track too...

According this this site: http://www.lifemovie.com/soundtrack.html

Its called "25 to Life", but it not those people singing it in the actual movie, cause I have the that track - but its a different guy singing it/a different version. Its different lyrics aswell, but the same backing.


Wait - thanks for that link, I think it may be called: "Wake Up Everybody" - can't find it anywhere though :(
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