whats the ultimate flight sim?

17 Mar 2004
Market Drayton, Salop
My brother has just bought himself a decent PC and being a flight sim fan from about 8-10 years ago he is looking at getting back in to them.

He needs suggestions for hardware and software.

He is into hardcore flight sims to arcade flying games, especially likes helicopter games. Basically, anything that involves flying :D

R124/LA420 said:
FS2004 (Until FS-X comes out) ;)


Its the Lock On: Modern combat and the rest of that series i say(i think thats what its called anyway)

Also dont forget to tell him to Pick up one of those Natural point camera thingys

Edit: Linky :)
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thanks for the replies.

What about controls??

anything under £200 would be about right, he says he would however go upto £300 if it was needed :eek:
lock on for modern il2 for ww2 era ... there is no other competition

as for chopper games, i had one ages ago that was totally pimpin, but dont think i have seen any recently as they are not very common
DJammyRasta said:
lock on for modern il2 for ww2 era ... there is no other competition

as for chopper games, i had one ages ago that was totally pimpin, but dont think i have seen any recently as they are not very common

Comanche 4 was good.
falcon 4: allied force is a great F-16 sim, but that's all you can fly in it. I hear it's brilliant. I've got it but I don't have the time to learn how to fly a fighter jet right now. :p I can take off okay, and I can even land in one piece sometimes. :D It's very deep and highly complex if you're in to that kind of thing.
Lock On is the closes you will get to flying a real fighter jet, as for commercial airlines and smaller civi planes then FS2004 as mentioned above
thanks for the extra suggestions, he is browsing over them all now but hes having really trouble deciding :D I can see him buying them all and locking himself away for a month!!

Still waiting for suggestions on good quality functional joysticks etc. ;)
MNuTz said:
thanks for the extra suggestions, he is browsing over them all now but hes having really trouble deciding :D I can see him buying them all and locking himself away for a month!!

Still waiting for suggestions on good quality functional joysticks etc. ;)

I would say these:

Saitek x52 £89.99-£99.99

CH Products Pro Pedals £99.99-£129.99
(Shops do sell them in the UK, i checked :) )

Tracker(This is one thing you really do need these 2 things)
TrackIR 4:PRO £99.99

Vector PRO £15.99

Just over £300 worth of controls there :)
Look around and see if you can find them cheaper because i didnt really search all that hard for the prices :)
Trackir4 Pro allready comes with vector expansion.

That vector pro is to work with Trackir3.

Trackir is very good..when you remember to switch it on before going to fly :o
sr4470 said:
Comanche 4 was good.


It was a FPS with no clip turned on. Certainly not a good simulator. A fun game, but not a sim.

Get LOMAC, very hard, lots of buttons, rewarding when you get something right.
Some great - ultra realistic combat flight sims i've got lying around are

F/A-18E Super Hornet + Expansion

Janes F/A-18

Flanker 2.0

They are older games but still great.
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Id go for Falcon 4 Allied Force with CH Fighterstick and Pro Throttle with TrackIR 4. should have lots of fun with that setup :)
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