14 Jul 2007 at 19:34 #1 swanseajack swanseajack Associate Joined 24 Nov 2002 Posts 1,647 Location Abertawe, Cymru. Just moved from Nvidia to ATI and was wondering what's Vista like for games these days, everything run smooth etc? Cheers. SJ.
Just moved from Nvidia to ATI and was wondering what's Vista like for games these days, everything run smooth etc? Cheers. SJ.
14 Jul 2007 at 19:50 #3 swanseajack swanseajack Associate OP Joined 24 Nov 2002 Posts 1,647 Location Abertawe, Cymru. Have you got an ATI card? I tried Vista and PES6 on here a few months back and it ran all choppy etc, that's was with an Nvidia card though.
Have you got an ATI card? I tried Vista and PES6 on here a few months back and it ran all choppy etc, that's was with an Nvidia card though.
14 Jul 2007 at 21:40 #6 swanseajack swanseajack Associate OP Joined 24 Nov 2002 Posts 1,647 Location Abertawe, Cymru. Ok cheers both, just installed vista clean install and will see how it goes