What's wrong with my code?

18 Sep 2009
Hi guys.
Currently doing an Apprenticeship in Business and Admin, but they've got me doing website stuff.

The website was created by a 3rd party, and we can pretty much edit everything in the backend ; Lemon Stand.

I'm a noob and a half when it comes to stuff like this and the way the Menu is coded isn't exactly helpful.

So adding to the menu etc requires a fair amount of HTML work (Which should be getting changed soon)

However, I'm currently using my laptop at work, and I've accidentally deleted pretty much all the code (500 odd lines worth of the menu).

I believe what's happened is I've highlighted the majority of the code with my trackpad, and as I was typing, or pressed backspace (As I was positioning it) I've deleted it.

This was just before I'd left for the day, anyway, since then I had a brain storm and took the code from a google cache of the site, and I've rebuilt the menu.

However there's this little snippet that doesn't work, I haven't the foggiest why, when it's included it just breaks the entire site.

Here it is ;
  <li class="pureCssMenui sub_menu"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="/store/category/training-training-sets"><span>Training Sets</span><![if gt IE 6]></a><![endif]>--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]-->
		<ul class="pureCssMenum">
			<li class="pureCssMenui sub_menu"><a class="pureCssMenui" href="/store/category/training-errea-training-sets">Errea</a></li>
		<!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]--></li>

I continued without it however and all's fine, but still need to get this bad boy back in lol.

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Probably to do with the conditional comments. What browser is it 'breaking' in?

All, I just don't get it.

Only obviously incorrect thing is that there is an end of list item tag after the end of unordered list tag. But without the rest of the code, can't say if that's Acutally wrong - there could be a parent list.

Also, can you clarify what you mean by "it breaks it"?

Rest of the menu disappears, the images don't appear etc.
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