What's wrong with my PC???

8 Oct 2004
My PC died last week after installing some RAM I'd borrowed from someone at work. Basically what happens is the mobo light comes on, the front pannel power light comes on and the fans come on but it wont POST, no beeps or display. I have tried my original RAM and the problem remains. I'm not sure wheather this is the mobo, PSU or CPU. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find out which component is faulty? I can probably rule out the PSU by borrowing one from work, but not the CPU or mobo.
BTW, I have so far reset the CMOS, including removing the battery, removed the CPU which I can no longer refit due to the heatsink being attached and I have also measured the voltages on the molex connectors which are 9v (RED) and 0V (yellow), and 12v between red and yellow??? I not sure if this due to lack of a full load on the PSU.
Thanks for the reply, I am using the multimeter correctly. It may be that the PSU requires a load to output a fullt voltage or it may be a fault on the power circuit on the motherboard is dragging the voltage down, I'm just not 100% sure how a PC PSU behaves.

Does anyone know what a motherboard should do with no CPU or RAM fitted, I would guess it would give some sort of error beep code, but again not 100% sure.
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