What's your current 'phrase'

26 Mar 2005
Is it just me that seems to have a phrase of the week? Right now Catherine Tates' 'Am I bovered' seems to be doing the rounds, also just had a weekend of Torrets style 'Timmy!' shouting round the mountains of Wales.
My whole house has an obsession with saying "thats what she said" at any given opportunity. :/ lol
I've decided to forgo any human contact not involving the internet,

its kinda put a dampner on my business
I can't even repeat mine, but if you ever find that Dolmio advert that's been dubbed over in a Scottish accent where the da's talking about how he survived on only dolmio then you'll know what it is.
snap, taken from a few american comedies / films and from my mate who says it a lot

me " i got my pc sorted last night"
mate "oh snap mofo"
The Moomins scared me, even thought I was far too old for it. The weird skinny girl freaked me out no end.
Currently my phrase is "****!"

For some odd reason the servers at lunchtime failed to reboot remotely.
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