What's your favourite DVD?

3 Apr 2003
Mine used to be a tie between my Star Wars Trilogy boxset and my John Cassavetes Boxset but this morning both were trumped by the arrival of my Criterion edition of Videodrome. Besides me being a big Cronenberg fan (so I love the film regardless) the DVD case is made to look like an old Betamax cassete complete with handwritten Videodrome on the spine and the front and rear covers of the case look like the top and bottom of the cassete. Absolutely brilliant considering the nature of the film.

Another big favourite is my Criterion edition of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Brilliant film and nice artwork on the packaging.

Anybody else got any fave discs?
I like the Special Edition of Gladiator which I picked up on the cheap the other day. As far as exterior packaging goes it's quite pleasing.

Certainly not my favourite DVD filmwise though.
That'd probably be either The Shawshank Redemption or The Godfather Box Set.
Have a few special/limited editions

Spiderman 1 region 1 comes in the size of a shoebox with a reprint of a comic of the first appearance of Spiderman and a film cell.

Heathers Tin edition, Akira tin edition that comes with some fake tattoos.
Dave and T&T have picked two of my favourites, nice going chaps. :)

I'd also add:

Complete Men Behaving Badly
Dances With Wolves in DTS
All my Rush DVD's
Life On Mars
Don't really have a favourite, unless i went by favourite film but thats a different topic...

However, the DVD(s) that gets (ab)used the most are;

The Armando Ianucci Shows - because i am forced to make people watch it as so many people didn't catch this gem when it was on TV.

Big Train (S1&2) - Classic sketches which NEED to be shown again and again.

My signed copy of Clerks.

Signed by Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Scott Mosier, Walt Flanagan, Dave Klien and Vincent Pereira

Bought a second copy shortly after so I didn't have to play the first anymore.

Any of the 24 series.

Can't stand having to wait week after week when its on TV.

DVD gives me the power to watch then (without adverts) all the way through.
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