Whats your Game of the Year so far?

23 Mar 2011
Like to ask to see what people have enjoyed and maybe find something i may have missed.

So far, though i havent played near as much as i wish i could, i would have to say Overwatch. Something a bit more unique in the shooter space and by all accounts its doing amazingly well for blizzard.

In terms on single player, would be Dark Souls 3 for me. Not the best in the series for me, but certainly a refinement of everything they have done in the past including elements from bloodborne making it a great package.

Due to having a baby this year i have yet to replay it, usually i jump straight in trying other builds etc! Dlc is coming so maybe then!
I want to get in to blood and wine and i agree it counts as a game in my eyes, probably not for the official voting at the end of the year but who cares!

Problem im having is its been so long since i finished w3 that going back for the addons the whole game feels impenatrable :( forgot what everything does and the general flow of combat! Hoped the dlcs would offer a refresher tutorial especially when it gives you a blank slate character with like 40 points to spend!

Will give it another go though as W3 was my goty last year
a fair few for the division, was debating retrying it but just not sure still! had it on console and didnt get too far before giving up but that was at launch
Completely forgot how much i loved dishonored, tempted to replay it before the new one! Not followed it at all so its arrival is a bit of a suprise! That art style/graphics probably still hold up well today
Make sure to play the expansions with Daud, apprently Dishonored 2 will heavily reference those as well.

maybe i will just buy and play these instead of replaying the main game, in the interest of time!

do they ease you in well or throw you in expecting you have just come fresh off the back of the main game?
A lot of love for doom which i agree with

Tomb raider i just cant get in to, must try again but something about it hasnt clicked with me. I enjoyed the first one for what it was and am a fan if these games usually. Think i get put off by the collectibles and gathering aspects that seem to be becoming more if a thing now
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