Whats your guitar amp?

Panzerbjorn, what's the gain like on the 900?

I know it's renowned for its clean sound, but do you get to push it very often? What style of music do you play?
Docaroo said:
the right kind of pedal can really work well with a 900 - like you said the clean is great, but gain wise might need some persuading :) but this is entirely possible as there are some great od/dist pedals out there these days

I believe pedals are a sin. ;)
sist_si said:
I use the following:

Marshall JCM2000 TSL100 Head

2x12 Mesa Boogie Cab
http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Guitar Cabinets/LgrRIGHT-Cabs/2x12Rect-LG.jpg

Pros: It sounds wonderful and is also loud as hell
Cons: There are none for me, I love it!

Very interesting set-up.

First of all, why did you choose the TSL over something like a recto? Secondly, why the 2x12 cab? I have heard they give a better sound than the 4x12, is that true?

What sort of stuff do you play?
Andelusion said:
It's unreasonable to say that a 2x12 gives a 'better' sound than a 4x12. The tone itself shouldn't be overly different than a 4x12, it's likely due to the larger size of a 4x12 enclosure that the tone would have more bottom end than that of a 2x12.

The practicalities of having a 2x12 such as the lesser weight, whilst still retaining a full bodied tone over something like a 1x12" amp are the usual reasons people choose them, not to mention freeing up some space :)

a lot of bands use the 2x12 over the full cabinet though. I mean, I don't know, I'm just stating what I've heard/read/seen.

Off the top of my head, I think Zack Wylde used to play a marshall cab with only two celestions in it. Maybe this applies to all cabs?

I think Tom Delonge of Blink 182 was using a 2x12 mesa cab to power a further two full cab units. Why would he do this?

Maybe I'm talking utter cow poo? :p
sist_si said:
Well, I actually bought the DSL 100 but it was faulty so the shop compensated me with the TSL as an exchange which is nice. I think I chose the Mesa after playing my amp through one at a gig once. It just sounds so nice. I'm not too much of a tech-head but I haven't heard a better set up.
The 2x12 was honestly just to help on the transport side of things....plus I thought it looked quite sexy too. :D
I play this: www.myspace.com/thefalltherise

You're a bit good.
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