What's your (most tenuous) claim to fame?

3 Mar 2010
Hants, UK
I've just had an amusing mumsnet thread pop up on my Facebook feed about people's claim to fame, but with a slight twist: the crapper, the better.

I'm sure the good folk of this forum can give them a run for their money, so I'll get the ball rolling:

I served Ferne Britton a box of Maltesers back in the early nineties.

My mate pinched Martine McCutcheon's bum as she walked past us in a nightclub (she had only been in EastEnders for a little while). She laughed nervously and her bodyguard gave him a glare that could be bottled and sold as a WMD.

In the early 80s I went round a school friend's house and saw a picture of his mum next to Martin Shaw (he was Doyle in The Professionals at the time) - they were related in some way, I can't remember how.

I used to walk past 80s wrestling 'legend' Big Bruno's house to and from school.

Me and a mate chatted up Page 3 models Maria Whittaker and Debbie Ashby in a club whilst we were very drunk. All we got was a signed photo AND we bought them a drink....pffft.

Over to you guys...
3 Mar 2010
Hants, UK
Thought of some more.

My mum's best friend used to be Paul McCartney's neighbour, and her son dated Stella for a while.

My cousin used to live next door to happy hardcore DJ Hixxy.

Apparently one of my wife's relatives runs the firm that was in charge of security at a Robbie Williams gig in Germany years ago when a fan stormed the stage and tried to attack him.

My uncle knew the guys who built the staircase in multi-millionaire Nicholas van Hoogstraten's mansion. NvH was convicted of conspiring to commit murder.

I stood next to Nicola Duffett, Nigel's wife in EastEnders back in the mid 90s, in Carphone Warehouse a couple of months back.
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