Whats your Oblivion alter ego (Pics)

9 Jan 2005
So you've spent ages making as godly Warrior but whats the point of that if you can't share it with the rest of us so here's a thread to support just that.

Seen as my images are so big I'll put them on as thumble links.

Just hit level 40

Focusing on perfecting each level up gets the best stats for each time you level up here's my lv 40 attributes.

Max Defence even when using a bow.
Arsey said:
WoW. I got this on 360 so i can't post but im level 11 lol. How do you get so little weight and where did u find/make that armour?

Bandits start wearing parts of the armour by the time you hit level 20. So just kill them and take it for your own. :D
Andelusion said:
Chuff me you must have put some hours into this.

I've clocked 27 now and am only at level 5 :(

Ahh but ye have so little personality! However with such shiny armour who wouldn't want to talk to you? :p

Yeah I'm leveling my personaltiy now it's low because he just got a 939 Longsword and he found out the a claymore of Conroe is out July so he's fizzed off. :D
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