Whats your thoughts?

3820 + top-ish line X79 board, will be a side grade for now but you then have 6/8 core IB-E's to look forward to later this year...

The MVF is a great board, but you have to think is it worth the ~£130 overhead you'll pay to get it (presuming you sell the MPower for ~£100, trust me, motherboards do not hold value :().

My opinion is no, not unless you detest the Mpower anyhow, its certainly not £130 better then the MPower.

Sell up, RIVF/G/E + 3820 now, RIVF + IB-E hex/oct core later in the year ;)

Thx for the wise words paul, that is something i have considered. The MPower is a good board but not great. It lacks features i wish it had and has a few glitches like when i push overclocks to far it enables the IGP, why just dont do it!

Maybe this time i should be a little more patient, gotta be a rampage 5 on the way???

Can you overclock the 3820 though?

Of course you can through the bus/strap
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Ok thx all for the info, think i am gonna stick with current set up for now, and get saving!
If in the meantime i do see a rive for sale and i dont watercool it, whats that little fan on it like??
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