When a girl mentions her ex...?

26 Jul 2004
I don't normally post about such topics, but I'm rather curious in what you guys think about situations when a girl you are interested in, suddenly brings up her ex.

Let me set the scene to give some context:

I met this girl a couple of weeks back at a sporting event we were both competing in. Since then we've been e-mailing each other 2-3 times a day, every day - just general get-to-know-you stuff. I know, it's like being a teen again :o

Anywho, today she brings up her ex, nothing specific, just enough info so that I know he a) existed and b) is her ex. This apparently was about 5 months back.

Now I haven't volunteered any such historic info, so was just thinking why girls may choose to offer up such info without request.


Pasty smashing :D

You didn't give us the context in which she brought it up. Was it out of the blue or related to something? What exactly did she say?

I thought about putting the exact words, but you just dont know who reads this stuff lol.

No it was completely out of the blue - we were talking about a sporting event - she said she competed last time but did so with the ex (while still together) that it was a bad idea especially when they split they still had to compete together.

Sounds like a normal conversation really, I wouldn't read anything into that

Edit: Unless she's saying there's no point getting with her if you're competing in the same events of course :)

Sneaky edit there, almost missed it. Luckily we won't be competing together ;)

No, I agree, nothing to read into I guess. Just thought it was odd - I take immediate evasive cover to avoid having to mention or discuss my exs. I always thought that it was a certified killer to a potential relationship - talking about exs is never good.

She's only giving you some background info :P. Probs in an attempt to get you to tell her your status.

I thought this too. I'll let her ask directly before I devulge anything.

You're talking to a girl by email, she mentionned her ex. You just got friend zoned by email. Ouch.

It's possible, but then that's fine, I'm not long out of a serious relationship - female friends have female friends so that can be a good thing.

it's clearly a test, to see if you'll become insecure about her past, in her eyes cause you've not spazzed out about it, you've probably passed, but as we all know the secret now, you've failed, in secret though, so keep going ;)

Sssh! Didn't spazz out, just made me curious ;)

Right, better go eat. Got a strange craving for a cornish p...

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