When Did Cemetery Step Down As Don?

Originally posted by bitboy
It happened today. Unfortunately he hasn't been around the forums as much these days.

Ah yes, RL... I remember that...

Best of luck though mate, you did a fine job. Hope you stick around as a poster. :)
hmmmm thats odd :-\

He hardly ever posts here anymore either, does this mean his reign of terror is over :p

But seriously I'd like to thank Cem for all the hard work he has put here, at times we were a pain in the ass but he always handled the problems around here so well. Hopefully he will stick around as a poster, too many dons who have stepped down have disappeared soon after, hopefully he won't :(
Originally posted by Jazz

But seriously I'd like to thank Cem for all the hard work he has put here, :(

Agree totally , he has been instrumental in making this place what it is , cheers mate :D

You know what that means ? Gilly has sole charge :eek: man the doors :p ;)
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Hope you stick around Cem, you're the guy that made this forum what it is, the best.

At least in Gilly we have a don who is unbiased and good natured to all the man u fans:D
Yes working life has taken its toll on my time so it is with heavy heart I must go...

& get on Gilly's **** as a normal poster :) I am not going anywhere ;)
Originally posted by Cemetery

I am not going anywhere ;)

Sorry to see you go as a Don Cem,but it's nice to know your still hanging around:).

And remember if you ever need a double for Pierluigi Collina you know where to come;).
Originally posted by Marshy
Sorry to see you go as a Don Cem,but it's nice to know your still hanging around:).

And remember if you ever need a double for Pierluigi Collina you know where to come;).

Its the eyes I tells ya ;)
Crikey Cem, I know it was a bad result for you last night ....................................................... but taking it this hard?;) :D

Seriously, many thanks for all your hard work. I've always found you to be a sensible and fair minded person who tried to do what he felt was right. Ideal qualities for a Don if you ask me.:)

Hope you manage to sort out the "work" situation and glad you'll still be posting. After all, there aren't too many Spurs fans left to wind-up:D :D
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