When did Ubuntu turn into adware?

18 Aug 2007
I've not used *nix for about a year due to moving house, no net, and having to rely on one machine (a MacBook Pro). I just grabbed Ubuntu 12.10 x64 for a play and was shocked to see that, on every dashboard search, I get ad results from Amazon for various products (mostly DVDs it seems) related to the words I enter.

For example hitting the super key and typing 'terminal' gives me, after the actual terminal app, The Terminal with Tom Hanks as a suggestion to buy. :eek:

Are they serious? When did Ubuntu sell out to become adware? I've always preferred Fedora and Debian to be fair, but jeez I never expected this. Monetized to the hilt I guess. I was expecting to see threads about it but maybe I'm missing something? Any ideas?
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