When did you last degunk your cruncher(s)?

13 Jan 2004
Market Deeping
I had a peek inside mine today to see if an nVidia card would fit (they all seem to be longer than the Radeon 3650 I have) and saw what can only be described as a veritable bird's nest residing on and in the CPU heatsink. After a thorough dusting (including the intake dust filters on the front of the case), I noticed the CPU temp for all four cores has dropped by up to 4°C :o
I don't do it at all :o then I don't have any fans to suck the dust in with. Water cooling everything has some extra benefits :D
Usually whenever I'm tinkering around inside and I notice it. The front case fans of my antec get pretty dirty, so I do them around once a month.
I wipe the front air vents on my Lian Li once a week, and hoover the front air filters around once a month.
Most of my fans don't have filters, so they push more air for better cooling.

They get clagged up pretty fast but the Dyson soon removes it.

About once a month (or so; it's easy to forget - I hate housework!).
First time I did mine I'd left it for a long whiiile, temperature dropped about 5-10c instantly. First time it set my asthma off two fold by the end of the day and I suffered through the night mow I do it about every month or so, it's quite enjoyable in an extremely odd way, and doesn't set off my asthma so it must have been reaally bad.
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