When do you leave work? (Poll?)

18 Oct 2002
I finish work at 5.30. I usually hang around a few minutes, using the internet, in an attempt to look like I don't run out the door at 5.30. Some people in the office work late in the evening even though they don't get paid overtime, obviously trying to impress.

(and if a don would be kind enough to turn this into a poll :) )

When do you go home?

Shortly after Lunchtime
Computer off, jacket on, ready to run out the door
When the job's done
I stay overnight
Haly said:
Just after 5 usually (5pm is when I officially finish) but if I'm still serving a customer then it's till they've gone so 5.15ish usually.
I don't mind though if I make decent commission on them. :)
9-5... why couldn't I have a job like that?
I work 9-5.30. It's not a huge difference but it still eats away at my evening!
Ideally I'd work a 4 day week from 8-4.30, with half an hour for lunch. That would equal 85% of the hours I currently work. I'd be willing to take a 15% paycut any day if some one offered me a job with those hours!
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