When is lunch for you at work?

1 Aug 2005
I am eating lunch today at 12.30pm!! Utter madness. Normally I do it at around 1.30pm. What time do you normally have lunch at work?

What a thrilling thread. Looking forward to other peoples' anecdotes of their luncheon chronologies. I try to keep standards high here.
I have a mate who had a similar mindset, late lunch means a short afternoon, but I never really bought into that, because it means a long morning. Personally I don't see why an afternoon that drags is worse than a morning that drags (especially if it means less chance of getting hungry).

When I used to work in an office however I did like going out for lunch at 'unusual' times however because it meant less queues to buy stuff, although leave it too late and it sometimes meant less food to choose from.

I get it inasmuch I tend to get more done in the mornings, I have more energy and I'm more productive. In the afternoon I get much less done so for me, at least, a longer morning makes more sense.
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