When is siri gonna be powerful enough ....

22 Aug 2005
...to listen to your phone calls and make the needed arrangements - i.e. when phoning for a dentist appointment, at the end of the call you phone has marked it in your calender... that would be pretty neat.
or make an archive of calls to places like call centres/important info you want to remember. Or if someone quotes you an address to meet at it can find it.
and transmit all the info to apple...

It's an awful idea, if you do anything even vaguely risque on your phone then you've had it.
Aside from the privacy aspect what if you didn't want it added to a calendar automatically?

There is nothing stopping a person who gets off a call to simply activate Siri and get it to do it there and then either, its just one extra button press and a few spoken commands
Couldn't give a monkeys whether apple know what I'm doing or not personally, not like they'll specifically use the information to bungle me into the back of a car boot even if they did ever look at my information....

It's a cool idea but wouldn't get off the ground thanks to "PRIVACY CONCERNS"
Quite a long way off, I'd say. Interpreting a direct command is one thing. Inferring information from the context or a conversation is another.

Imagine a conversation like:

"Hi mate, still up for meeting on Thursday?"
"Sure am! By the way, how's your wife?"
"She's good. She had a meeting with her boss on Tuesday... all the stuff which happened on Monday has been cleaned up, so it looks like we will be able to go away on Saturday after all."
"Good news, mate. So - meet at four o'clock at that place we went before?"
"See you then!"

A human being could easily figure out that the meeting is at 4pm on Thursday. But a computer is really going to struggle to filter out the relevant information from the irrelevant, because conversations don't usually follow predictable patterns.
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Quite a long way off, I'd say. Interpreting a direct command is one thing. Inferring information from the context or a conversation is another.

Imagine a conversation like:

"Hi mate, still up for meeting on Thursday?"
"Sure am! By the way, how's your wife?"
"She's good. She had a meeting with her boss on Tuesday... all the stuff which happened on Monday has been cleaned up, so it looks like we will be able to go away on Saturday after all."
"Good news, mate. So - meet at four o'clock at that place we went before?"
"See you then!"

A human being could easily figure out that the meeting is at 4pm on Thursday. But a computer is really going to struggle to filter out the relevant information from the irrelevant, because conversations don't usually follow predictable patterns.

Good answer , but that time will come. Siri is just the start of this.
This is more likely when the phone itself processes the voice data, before then, as people have said, privacy is a concern - plus the data needed to transmit large conversations :o

Siri when it can be done on the phones hardware would be awesome. However, that is a few years, if not a decade away!
I'll be happy when it works. I it's current state it is just for apple fans to show off!

I have several apple products and I'm more then happy with them but siri I canand do live with out!
14 years later, will Apple Intelligence (TM) bring us anywhere nearer. I certainly couldn't imagine the state of the LLM ai bots today back in 2011
Holy thread revival.

Siri is terrible imo. I’ve used Google as well as Alexa and, whilst far from perfect, they are superior. As for Apple Intelligence, I have disabled it and am not sure I’ll ever bother with it again.
Siri is terrible imo
Is it though? Or are you just expecting it to do more than it can?

We have HomePods in every room and Siri never misses a beat. We use him for timers, for weather, for playing music, for switching things on and off, for saying to switch something on (or off) in a certain time. For sending texts, for telling me a bed time story, for finding out where someone is. etc etc. I use him to make phone calls. I pause and resume playback on the telly using Siri.

Everything he does, he does perfectly well. Just because he can’t do certain things, does that make him terrible? I don’t think so.

I don’t expect him to tell me the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow but he does have a favourite colour.

And ask him how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Or for a knock knock joke. He can entertain for minutes without slowing down.
Is it though? Or are you just expecting it to do more than it can?

We have HomePods in every room and Siri never misses a beat. We use him for timers, for weather, for playing music, for switching things on and off, for saying to switch something on (or off) in a certain time. For sending texts, for telling me a bed time story, for finding out where someone is. etc etc. I use him to make phone calls. I pause and resume playback on the telly using Siri.

Everything he does, he does perfectly well. Just because he can’t do certain things, does that make him terrible? I don’t think so.

I don’t expect him to tell me the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow but he does have a favourite colour.

And ask him how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Or for a knock knock joke. He can entertain for minutes without slowing down.

As an example

"Hey Siri set reminder" "What do you want to be reminded of" "<whatever>" "OK, I've added it". At no point does Siri ask me when is the reminder for. "Hey Siri, delete reminder" "I'm sorry, I can't help with that"

"Alexa Set Reminder" "What's the reminder for" "whatever>" "When should I remind you?" "Today at 1600" "OK I'll remind you at 4pm". "Alexa cancel reminder" "<whatever> at 4pm cancelled".

It's things like that I find annoying. One good thing though, I do have my Siri set to a Northern female voice as it reminds me of my mum.

More importantly though, is that an African or European Swallow?
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Apple has call recording and transcription, so the building blocks are there for this stuff, seems very slow though.
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