When is the end of term break?

Psyk said:
I don't get why some people think "smarter" people go to college as opposed to 6th form. Neither is better than the other, you have to look at each institution seperately. This comment isn't aimed at anyone here since it's all been tongue firmly in cheek so far :)

I agree to a certain extent, however I would have to say that often the "smarter" people do stay on to study at 6th form, and the "not so smart" do A-levels and what not at college as they are substantially more leanient when it comes to your grades and the course requirements.

Mad old tory said:
shame, i did 4 at school now who wins :p;)


>:|sh4d0w|:< said:
Phone one of your college mates?

Well I could, but I only have the number of one person in my class. He is the only person in my age group there, and he's still a couple of years older than me. Most other people are in their 30's/40's and one or two are in their 50's.
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