When to buy?

6 Dec 2005
Im planning on building a new pc, just for gaming, problem is im not sure when i should get it. My b-day is in july and AM2 should be out around then, so should i get AM2, or get a 939 system now? how long a life do u rekon 939 has once AM2 is released?
ive been planning on spending Around £1400 on a new pc, and only upgrade when i need to really.

Also will the new AM2 processors be more overclockable then the 939 ones?
thats true about never buying anything.

Well about Conroe, ive been reading CPC and they where talking about Conroe and the benchmarks against that overclocked FX60, and its says in there that Intel shouldnt be written off and that AM2 may have to be something special to match the final Conroe. But they have some quote by some berke from AMD saying that those scores that the Conroe got where weak, and the new AMD processors will easily beat them.

I will wait but i decide on Intel or Amd nearer the time, anyways the longer i wait the more money i have to spend :) :)
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