When was the last time you rebooted?

13 Jan 2003
Just out of interest..

About This Mac > Contents pane > Software
System Software Overview:
  System Version:	Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E17)
  Kernel Version:	Darwin 9.4.0
  Time since boot:	6 days 15:25

After that about of time, development with Xcode (including serious abuse) and the daily 7-8 hours of Parallels running XP in a vm... when all the apps are closed (apart from safari) it's using about the same amount of memory as if it's just started..

Free: 2.81 GB
Wired: 595 MB
Active: 570 MB
Inactive: 47 MB
Used 1.19GB

I'm still detecting a slight memory leak in safari 3.1.1 (restarting safari reduced the memory by about 800MB after all that time).

Still got a long time to beat my recently deceased SuSE storage array with over a year uptime and the restart only so I could get to clean the fan and heatsinks properly!

So purely out of geekness - uptime?
that's a bit schoolboy to walk away from your computer and leave unsaved work on there!

Windows update taught me that!

Windows update says: Oh.. you have unsaved work? I have an update that takes priority that needs rebooting without saving your work.

Me: returns to desk to see Login prompt.

It's the biggest security risk windows has. People don't update because the machine restart or annoys the crap out of you with "Would you like to install the updates now or later?" where "later" means in about 10 minutes time..
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