When/why would someone increase voltage to the mobo chipset?

15 Mar 2006
When/why would someone increase voltage to the mobo chipset?

For me, it's the hottest of all temp measured parts, what is considered a safe load temperature?

Would increasing voltage to the chipset help the memory controller, and enable memory to be clocked at higher speeds? (assuming mobo was limiting the RAM)

Ty :)
My DFI board started to have issues with FSB's over 300, and increasing chipset voltage remedied the problem :)

It will be the same principle as the cpu, more voltage is required as the resistance and heat build up in the chip due to the increased flow of electrons.

You need the volts to stabilise each of the chipsets output. The chipset is under strain because the fsb relys on memory and other chips apart from the cpu.

Its not normaly nessecery to increase AGP or PCI voltage to overclock because these are fixed in their workload and seperate
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