When will the hard drive prices come down

Probably looking well into next year and prices just won't return to pre-flood prices overnight, could take months again even once production is at full output.
Latest I've heard is that it will be Summer 2012 before they drop back down again. It certainly makes SSDs a lot more appealing though!
i just find it very strange that all HDD factories are in thailand ( im a n00b at mass production btw) why is it all in those asian countries.

OH and btw check this out

*Don't link to competitors!*

Good deal!
I would remove the link before a mod see's ;)

They make the drive abroad due to cheap labour and operating costs.
Cheapest way to get a 1TB HDD nowadays is by going with a cheap ready-built system. I noticed on the other day - a complete system for £189 including a 1TB HDD. Obviously it wasn't the greatest system in the world but your basically getting the rest of the system for £80 if you look at it that way ;)
Big corporate companies like pc world probably won't put the prices down as long as the can.. And cram every penny out of everyone even when they begin ramping up production.
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