When will they think of the children ?

13 Aug 2010
This chap a previous offender only earlier this year gets caught again in his new city of residence.

This time he pleads guilty to 13 counts of paedophilia.


In my opinion these guys seems to get less than rape or hardly see imprisonment or the rehab isn't working. Not done the research but I am guessing re-offending rates must be high with paedophiles
Saw the thread title and genuinely thought of the Simpsons but on a serious note I think sex offenders should be punished by castration it's absolutely vile what people are capable of doing to children

You really should understand the topic more before forming strong opinions like you have. Sex offender covers quite a large range of offences and isn't specifically linked to children or even anyone actually being hurt or affected.

So it's a real good job that what you think doesn't matter.
You really should understand the topic more before forming strong opinions like you have. Sex offender covers quite a large range of offences and isn't specifically linked to children or even anyone actually being hurt or affected.

So it's a real good job that what you think doesn't matter.

I think I know quite a considerable amount more than you do seeing as my wife and her sister was sexually abused by their uncle as children and I've seen the aftermath of what it does to the people and the family and friends so it's a real good job nobody cares about your opinions either go read up on some more articles and then come back and tell me what it's actually like seeing as your such an expert
Well you've clearly not understood a word of what I said.

Not everyone who is a sex offender has actually abused anyone.

Whilst sad, your wife and her sister's experiences are totally irrelevant to this fact.

Your statement that all sex offenders should be castrated demonstrates you don't quite grasp how wide a range of offences "sex offences" cover.
I think I know quite a considerable amount more than you do seeing as my wife and her sister was sexually abused by their uncle as children and I've seen the aftermath of what it does to the people and the family and friends so it's a real good job nobody cares about your opinions either go read up on some more articles and then come back and tell me what it's actually like seeing as your such an expert

Despite your really long sentence, what spoffle said is still correct.
Ok maybe I jumped the gun a bit too fast an maybe I didn't understand what's spoffle was saying but from the original post peadophilia and rape are sex offences are they not?

They certainly are, but they are two of many things that are considered sexual offences under law.

A flasher is, by law, committing a sexual offence, for example. A flasher, whilst gross doesn't deserve to be castrated just because they've committed a sexual offence.

Two people having a quicky in the bushes of a park is a bit crass, but they wouldn't deserve castration for it, and on top of that your proposal of punishment is entirely directed at men, though I expect you've not really thought about that part, as for some strange reason society has a bias against men who are convicted of sexual offences, but a strange leniency when it comes to women who have been convicted of sexual offenses.
Ok maybe I jumped the gun a bit too fast an maybe I didn't understand what's spoffle was saying but from the original post peadophilia and rape are sex offences are they not?

Yes they are.

It's also a sex offence to shag in a public loo, but i'm sure you'd not advocate castrating someone for having a quickie in the local pub toilet would you? That's what spoffle is getting at.
They certainly are, but they are two of many things that are considered sexual offences under law.

A flasher is, by law, committing a sexual offence, for example. A flasher, whilst gross doesn't deserve to be castrated just because they've committed a sexual offence.

Two people having a quicky in the bushes of a park is a bit crass, but they wouldn't deserve castration for it, and on top of that your proposal of punishment is entirely directed at men, though I expect you've not really thought about that part, as for some strange reason society has a bias against men who are convicted of sexual offences, but a strange leniency when it comes to women who have been convicted of sexual offenses.

Ok well I didn't even consider flashing and a quickie in a bush, like I said I was a bit quick to jump the gun on this subject.
I don't think women get much leniency they always end up in jail, take for example school teachers. the last time I will mention this in my wife's case her grandmother kept a diary and knew things were going on with what her son was doing, the diary was presented in court as evidence and he still managed to walk away without any charge for what he had done, where is the justice in that
Ok well I didn't even consider flashing and a quickie in a bush, like I said I was a bit quick to jump the gun on this subject.
I don't think women get much leniency they always end up in jail, take for example school teachers. the last time I will mention this in my wife's case her grandmother kept a diary and knew things were going on with what her son was doing, the diary was presented in court as evidence and he still managed to walk away without any charge for what he had done, where is the justice in that

A diary from your grandmother wouldn't be considered strong evidence...
Isn't thinking of children what got them in this mess to being with? ;)


Louis Theroux made a documentary called A Place For Paedophiles. It was in America and was basically a detention centre for paedophiles. The aim was rehabilitation. If I remember rightly, something like 2% got out. In other words, once a paedophile always a paedophile. This is the problem with them, it's hard wired in them, it's their nature to be sexually attracted to children.

I'd like to see something similar to that in the UK. Basically a facility built to house paedophiles indefinitely or till they are deemed fit for release, which would be never for the majority.
So now we're getting to the crux, you think a specific subset of sex offenders should be castrated.

Do you also thing thief should have their hands cut off? Reoffending rates for petty criminals is also high.

I totally agree with the castration of sex offenders. That 16 year old guy who was sent an indecent picture by his 16 year old GF should definitely have his testicles chopped off...
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