When you first bought some excercise equipment...

5 Apr 2006
Just thinking back to when I bought my weights and bench years ago, I kept it up for the best part of a year, then things happened (should I tell what?) and I ended up just not bothering anymore.
After that the bench ended up getting used by the GF when she was hanging up the laundry lol.
A while after that the older neighbour asked for a loan of them and he kept them till he died 3 months ago now. I was cheeky and msged his son on FB to get them back. they are just lay there in the hall gathering dust though.

What are your keep fit/get fit stories?
Did you get the urge to get fit or lose weight and then just gave up after a while?
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Maybe on Friday when I create another one of my special threads?
I was msged by Fire Wizard on Friday night and we had a little chat. ack I need a big chat but this isn't the place lol.
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