Where can I find a graphic designer?

12 Jan 2010
I'm looking for a young and talented GFX designer to do quite a simple but creative business card design for me (I'm a film-maker). Obviously, I wouldn't pay and a few of the finished cards will be sent over for them to photograph and add to (or start) their portfolio.

Is there some kind of social network the young GFX designers use where I can ask? In the film industry, we have several job board websites where people post jobs, paid and unpaid for other people to take up if they're looking to gain more experience and credits. Do people do unpaid stuff in the graphic design industry?

Alternatively, let me know if you'd like to give it a go or know anyone who would.
Wooooooow. First of all, yes I've worked tons of jobs for free. When I started out and had no experience working with professionals and only my own projects, I worked for free to build contacts and experience. I still very occasionally do work for free if like the concept or the people involved.

One of the jobs I worked on for free had someone else working on it for tiny money. The production designer from the last three Bond movies. He had spare time between Quantum of Solace and Skyfall so he joined the production I worked on for literally enough money to cover his expenses. John Hurt does short films for expenses only. Do you know how much Ewan McGregor was paid for Scenes of Sexual Nature? £100 a day.

I'm not even looking for the John Hurt of the graphic design industry. I'm looking for someone who is still in college or secondary school and has no experience of working with a client before. In exchange for their skills, they get to say on that they worked for their first client when they were just 15-16.

The responses above have inspired me to look even harder to find someone in order to teach them some things about working in the creative industry. A big part of graphic design is thinking outside the box, anyone who can do that doesn't get sickened by the prospect of free work.

If I like the result, I'll be sure to post it up on the boards here.
You can hardly blame those who replied as such, when you use phrases like "Obviously, I wouldn't pay..."

Why "obviously"?

Because if I was paying I wouldn't be posting it here and I would go to a graphics design company.

It's the same thing as when someone posts a thread on OcUK about a technical problem with their computer. I don't charge for the advice I give them as I know the reason why they're posting it on here is because they don't want to pay for a computer repair. Or people who post about legal advice for unfair dismissals or parking tickets. They post on here because they're not willing to pay for a solicitor.

I'm sorry if the word "obviously" caused people to get upset, but I though it was pretty "obvious" that I if wanted a professional to do it, I'd go straight to a design company rather than asking for advice on OcUK.
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