Where can i play poker online without paying?

Most online casinos have tables where you can play with play money.

I used to play at Partypoker.com, but people play differently when it's not their money so i got bored. That said, there's no way you'll ever be short of a game.
wouldnt bother playing for no money, it takes away a lot from the game.
put a small amount into a site and play the microtables (pokerstars has loads of micro tables). even 1c/2c tables are a much higher standard than play money!
Well i'm onlly 16, and unless anyone can tell me different, they won't let me sign up and I assume you need a credit card.

I always seem to win. On yahoo poker (thanks haly), i started with 1000, just quit with 1400-something. :)
Chronicle said:
I always seem to win. On yahoo poker (thanks haly), i started with 1000, just quit with 1400-something. :)

If you play yahoo poker you will always win, its only people like me that play every couple of month that just play stupid bets on 5 high that loose. If you play for money it will be "much" harder to come out on top.
Have a look at Replaypoker.

You create an account but don't have to download anything.

You start off with $100 and anything you win goes in the 'bank' 'till next time.

It's slightly more realistic because it doesn't let you get stupid amounts of chips all the time ($100 every half hour iirc - when you have less then $10 left).

You can work your way up to better tables, the more you win. Keeps me entertained in college sometimes. :)
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