This makes no sense to me, have the BBC screwed up their figures somehow?
Set it to renting, one bedroom, and high end of the market, you see you need £900 per month to cover over 90% of the Uk
Now change to a two bedroom property keeping the rest of the setting the same, and £900 lets you rent in 100% of the UK
Three bedrooms at £900 lets you rent 64%, and four bedrooms gets you 17%
Is there something wrong with the two bedroom figures?
This makes no sense to me, have the BBC screwed up their figures somehow?
Set it to renting, one bedroom, and high end of the market, you see you need £900 per month to cover over 90% of the Uk
Now change to a two bedroom property keeping the rest of the setting the same, and £900 lets you rent in 100% of the UK
Three bedrooms at £900 lets you rent 64%, and four bedrooms gets you 17%
Is there something wrong with the two bedroom figures?