where clause

Assuming this is a SQL query, you define the columns to return in the select list, not the where clauses. The syntax would be something like this, but this query itself would be pretty useless:

  CONCAT([a], [b]) AS [c]
  [a] = [b]

As @Armageus said, some context or a code sample would help a lot here.

It is for neo4j.
I have the relationships where by they are both independent each other, yet match them up to their respective groups. yet I want to only return the same names in the table.

So I have 4 nods that have no relationship to anything. One nodeA having a relationship to other nods. Get a list of the tables properties such as name or dob that contain key values which match with all the nods that are independent of any relationship and nodA.
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the idea is find matches of mike that drives a red and blue car.
Also cars that do not have any relationships with a colour match's red or blue.

match (p : person {name: "Mike})-[:drives]->(b:Car)
where not : (b:car)--->p[r]--> ()
return p.name, b.colour, b.name
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If a=b then they are the same. Why do you need to return 2 things the same? Just return one of them (and you can name it C if you want but I don't see what difference that makes?)
I am matching a list from two variables. To return a list that have the same key values leaving out key values they don't have in common.
Could you please explain how you resolved it? I say this for my past and future self, scrolling through countless forum posts about definitely common and simple issues that are declared solved without the solution posted :p

Did not need to touch the where clause. By separating the relationships and creating New variable. It is cypher not SQL, Majority will not have used that yet.
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