Where do I start? (Web Services APIs)

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
The goal: Get a web based app talking to Biztalk via Web Services.

So where do I even start? The web app gives me the option to download WSDL files, and even generate API code.

But where do I begin? What do I need to understand and can someone with experience in scripting languages (mainly VB and JS) accomplish this?

I've looked on Amazon for a Web Services Intro book but nothing turned up.

Some guidance would be appreciated.
Add a 'web reference' in a project in Visual Studio (Express will do I believe) and it will generate a new namespace with the right classes and methods to represent the service described by the WSDL.

Very simple.
There's absolutely no point recommending PHP to the OP if he has no experience of it. Most if not all languages can communicate with a web service so it doesn't really matter what you use - the important thing is to use a language that you're comfortable with.

The OP also doesn't mention what the end product is going to be - if it's a Windows application PHP is pretty pointless ;)

Personally I'm a C# .NET developer, so I would use that (and in Visual Studio, setting up a connection and proxy takes about 20 seconds). The important thing is to use your existing knowledge.

You mention you know some VB (although I presume in this context you're taking about ASP as you also mention JavaScript) - perhaps you'd find VB.NET easier to pick up?

It is certainly doable in ASP - some of my company's legacy products are ASP and they communicate with internal .NET web services. (Un)fortunately I have no experience in Classic ASP.

My advice therefore is to pick the language/framework that you want to use to build the product, and then research how you go about communicating with a web service (it won't be difficult really).

I'm talking about a Windows client app, not a web application.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't use PHP for a web application, I am saying that if he has no experience in PHP then he should write an an application in a language he is familiar with. Rather than just saying blindly "use PHP.". Otherwise this thread will descend into a lot of posts just saying "use my language of choice", which isn't much help to the OP.
I'm talking about a Windows client app, not a web application.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't use PHP for a web application, I am saying that if he has no experience in PHP then he should write an an application in a language he is familiar with. Rather than just saying blindly "use PHP.". Otherwise this thread will descend into a lot of posts just saying "use my language of choice", which isn't much help to the OP.

That's fair enough then :p
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