Where do you get your engine oil from?

Well I still have a HG close so still buy their oil :p
Otherwise I just look for any deals elsewhere online, halfrauds, opie oils etc.
What oil were HG doing for that price?

I get mine from my local bike shop, £30 for 4 litres of Silkolene Comp 4. I've noticed that Opie Oils want £38.99 for it.
Always use HG oil, that is whenever the leicester one can get it into stock.

When they did the oil deal before they closed I bought like 4 bottles and got 4 filters for my track bike/suzuki. I now have suzuki filters I cant use :(
I support my local shop. Its £30 for oil/filter there.

Is there such as thing as a local shop? They all have tie-ins somewhere.

I go where ever makes it easiest and most convenient for me.

That was HG, it's now an Infinity Motorcycles place. Checked there website and they only do Motul stuff at silly prices.
I go to local dealer take a container with me fills it for a £12 works out just over 4 litres.
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Is there such as thing as a local shop? They all have tie-ins somewhere.

I go where ever makes it easiest and most convenient for me.

That was HG, it's now an Infinity Motorcycles place. Checked there website and they only do Motul stuff at silly prices.

Quite a few truly independants in NI. Most are racing outfits too since obviously its a big thing here
Whatever you do don't get a load of small animals and plant matter then stuffing them into your oil filler point.

Turns out it takes millions of years, and a lot of pressure, to turn them into oil.

That was one hell of an expensive mistake.
Smith & Allen.
It's the cheapest place i have found for Shell Advanced Ultra 4T fully synthetic oil.
About £28 for 4 litres.
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