Where have i gone wrong (audio/mp3)

19 Mar 2011
Ok i own the original cd's (thin lizzy live and dangerous)
i am putting all my music on to a usb to play via carplay in the car.
i like to see the album cover while tracks are playing and seeing as much info when i do a search for a particular track.
To make my life easier (so i thought) i downloaded the album and it was in "flac" format i loaded this into mp3tag to see if the album art was there and it was, i then fired up Audacity and exported the flac files into mp3 files (smaller) now when i loaded the mp3 files into mp3tag the cover art was no longer there??
how do i convert flac to mp3 and keep the cover art?

The metadata is being lost during that conversion.

You can use the free tool Musicbrainz Picard to tag and apply cover art automatically to the mp3 albums via its built in database with a few clicks.

Stick all you flac files in a folder, open a dos prompt, change to that folder and type this

for %i in (*) do ffmpeg -i "%i" -ab 320k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 "converted-%i.mp3"

Should convert all files in the folder to mp3. Google ffmpeg to download and install it and set the windows PATH environment variable accordingly. If you don't know what PATH means google that as well. You'll have to rename them afterwards to remove the unwanted .flac bit from the output filename.

edit: You may need the extra bit below to copy the coverart as well.

for %i in (*) do ffmpeg -i "%i" -c:v copy -ab 320k -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 "converted-%i.mp3"
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Ok i own the original cd's (thin lizzy live and dangerous)

If you've still got a CD/DVD/Bluray drive then you could rip them yourself to whatever format you like. EAC (Exact Audio Copy) will download all the correct metadata, and automatically tag the files and even let you choose and download the correct album art.
Use either album art downloader, or use mp3tag to attach a jpeg to every file.

make a copy of a test file, in mp3, vorbis, alac, and flac (and rename them to something like flac.flac mp3.mp3) etc and see which ones display.
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