dalex said:
I'll save you some time...
Nikon D50, end of discussion.
But seriously think about your budget. The camera itslef is the cheapest most disposable thing in the long run. To set up a DSLR properly the camera should be just 1/5 of the total budget., lenses take the majority of the money. Things you need to consider buying:
A basic kit lens/ walk about lens.
A UV Filter for said lens,
A decent Polarizing filter
A good camera bag or 2 (1 small basic thing, 1 larger for carrying all the bits and bobs.
Spare battery.
2X1gb memory cards- a backup card is a good idea hence 2 smaller cards best.
Wide angle lens for landscape work.
Good teleophoto for wildlife, sports, etc.
The standard 50mmf1.8.
UV filters and filter adapters for all these lenses.
Camera software, e.g. Nikon Capture you have to pay for.
Small light-weight hiking/travelling tripod
Large, HQ heavy tripod for field use.
Remote release chord
Camera insurance
Extra lenses, adpaters- e.g. macro lenses or tubes, telephot adapters.
External storage and or back up of photos.
IF you arent budgetting for expensive lenses then you should have a look at non SLR cameras that come with a good lens.