A few years ago I bought a cheap 8x10 shed. False economy - never again!
Anyway, due to thin leaky felt on one side and the crazy sun we've had lately the roofing sheets have sagged really badly. They're made out of thin OSB so aren't up to much anyway. I'd like to replace them but there are four sheets, 5' x 5', and I can't seem to find anything bigger than the regular 4' wide sheets. Any ideas?
Plus, is OSB the way to go? Or should I be looking at WBP ply or similar? I'll be going for something a bit thicker than what I have now, probably 12mm at least.
I also have a load of 25mm Kingspan going spare so the idea was to re-sheet the roof, put a layer of kingspan over it and then felt over, using some timber batons between the insulating sheets for nailing it to.
A few years ago I bought a cheap 8x10 shed. False economy - never again!
Anyway, due to thin leaky felt on one side and the crazy sun we've had lately the roofing sheets have sagged really badly. They're made out of thin OSB so aren't up to much anyway. I'd like to replace them but there are four sheets, 5' x 5', and I can't seem to find anything bigger than the regular 4' wide sheets. Any ideas?
Plus, is OSB the way to go? Or should I be looking at WBP ply or similar? I'll be going for something a bit thicker than what I have now, probably 12mm at least.
I also have a load of 25mm Kingspan going spare so the idea was to re-sheet the roof, put a layer of kingspan over it and then felt over, using some timber batons between the insulating sheets for nailing it to.