Where to get 98 RON?

25 Dec 2008
Since my 'new' car recommends 98 RON if available I thought I might start using that. But I'm struggling to find places that even sell it?
My local Sainsbury's et al don't.

Where do you get the good stuff? And anyone based in Shrewsbury who knows where to go?

Edit: To clarify, I mean Super Unleaded rather than 98RON specifically
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Sorry, I should have clarified - I'm not after 98 RON specifically, just 'super'. Tesco is doable though the other side of town which is a bit of a chore (about 5 miles through town). The nearest Shell is a few miles out of town.

Sounds like I'm just in a rubbish area for decent petrol :p
you can shove in ron booster with normal petrol, same difference :)

millers was the product I used, the difference in knock was actually quite astounding

Out of interest what car do you use it with, and why? (rather than using higher-octane fuel, assuming you stick in 95 at the moment). Also how much does it cost?
What's the car out of curiosity?

Mk4 Golf :D

..2.8L V6 4motion.

as above

Just use Super Unleaded instead of normal unleaded. Use Shell VPower if possible and get yourself a shell fuel card :)

Got me one of those when I filled up at a convenient Shell passing through Stoke. Decent price, too.. seems like Shrewsbury's about a penny or two more expensive for the regular stuff, but nearer 10p more for the good stuff, compared to Stoke :(
do some searching, from memory those use motronic me7.5. if so, get an obd lead and lemmiwinks and you can also the ignition timing (globally) for simple easy gains

They use the me 7.1 but lemmiwinks does seem compatible with it. Already got the OBD lead so may have a play with it :D

Only question is.. how do I know if it's knocking? :confused:
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