Where to get large print made (600x400mm ish)?

20 Oct 2002
I don't print a huge amount of my photos but I took a few nice ones last year in Cuba. I've been looking through them again and like the idea of printing this one to replace an old Edward Hopper print we've had up in the lounge for a long time.

by Scam, on Flickr

That print is about 600x400 ish so I'd be looking to get this done about that size. Can anywhere recommend a place? I've only ever used Photobox for my small prints, and they don't go that big.

What do you guys think? There's something about that one I just like.
Their product line is a bit confusing. What's with having to register to see prices? :confused:

Do you think it's worth going the whole hog and ordering my print framed, or doing that locally/separately?
Hmn to be honest I don't see the point in paying £3.20 from DSCL if my print is only costing £9.99 :confused: (24x16)

With that pic above I'm planning on getting it professionally framed. I'm tempted to say a glossy print would look good but the girlfriend thinks it'd be a bit much if it's mounted behind proper glass and is going in a spot where it the main daylight is coming in side on. Any thoughts? :confused:

I think any of the other papers may be a bit excessive for my needs...
Not yet. Were going away next week so I'll sort it out when I get back. Probably just going to go for DSCL luxe.
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