Where to get listed for new business?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Im in the final stages of setting up my new accountancy business and now have offices confirmed so have set up a google places account but was wondering where else I should submit my details to for as much SEO goodness as possible?

Is it still worth submitting the new site to dmoz or anywhere similar? Im not interested in any underhand tactics just what ever may help boost my rankings.

Mark M keep to the free stuff.

I would reccomend you keep away from the paid for stuff on yell.com I have paid to be advertised on there in 2 locations and I am the top one in one area and in top 3 in another however i have had no business through this.

But its not just me if you search on another business forum in the uk you will see lots of others that have alsorts of different business that all have the same opinion on yell .com
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